Journey of Waste from Delivery

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many people to quarantine and spend more time at home. As a result, food delivery service has seen a sharp increase in usage. However, did you know that one delivery service could cause up to 6-7 pieces of waste?

There are many kinds of waste from food delivery: 

  • plastic food container
  • plastic cutlery
  • plastic bags for cutlery
  • sauce bags
  • soup bags
  • plastic carrying bags


In 2020, it was expected that waste from delivery would increase by 280 million pieces!!!!

Unless waste sorting is available, the forecast number tends to have considerable impact on environment. 


Journey of Waste from Delivery

  1. Starting from ourselves;
  2. Lack of awareness/ concern;
  3. Preference for convenience/ no need to wash and clean;
  4. It’s free! We’ll take whatever they give us!
  5. Preference for delivery instead of going out for purchase.

Plastic waste from delivery cannot be recycled. It is also very difficult to be processed. Such waste can only be managed through landfill, which increases burden for relevant agencies and has direct environmental impact. 

The major impacts include: 

  • Landfill, which requires considerable space, resulting in destruction of forests;
  • Leakage, making the plastic waste flow to the sea.

If there are 140 food delivery orders within 1 years, 560 million pieces of waste would be created over the year! 

3 methods for waste reduction from food delivery

  1. Choose not to receive plastic cutlery;
  2. Wash and keep plastic food container, bottle, and plastic bags for further use;
  3. Collect them for donation.


The annual plastic waste will decrease if we are all cooperative and adjust our behavior by reducing the use of plastic, avoiding the creation of plastic waste, and sorting the waste before disposing it. 


Reference :

Department of Environmental Quality Promotion,ขยะจากฟู้ดเดลิเวอรี่/ 

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